Happy Fourth of July from KLH

Are you planning to watch fireworks or set off fireworks this weekend to celebrate? Ever wonder about Ohio law on fireworks?  Learn more here: https://www.ohiobar.org/ForPublic/Resources/LawYouCanUse/Pages/LawYouCanUse-521.aspx?utm_source=EBAR&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=news] Have a fun and safe weekend!

June 30th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

Distracted Driving is no “accident”

Fascinating NYT article on how we talk about distracted driving.  Words have meaning.  The word “accident” implies no one is responsible.  “Accidents happen,” as the saying goes.  Most car crashes are not accidents.  They are caused by driver action, inaction, or distraction. Let’s call a spade a spade.  #crashnotaccident Brought to you by Sean Harris/Fail [...]

June 14th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

100% natural cancer

“Natural” foods and products seem to be all the rage these days.  Buzzwords like “organic,” “free range,” and “gluten free” convey a sense of health and superiority to other products.  But not all natural products are good for you. Talc in talcum powder is a naturally-occurring mineral, similar in composition to asbestos. Research suggests, however, that talc [...]

May 19th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

Arkansas Trial Lawyers Convention

Attorney Mark Kitrick spoke at the Arkansas Trial Lawyers Convention on April 29, 2016.  The topic was "Looking Inside Your Own Mind" and based off an article that partners of the firm, Mark Kitrick and Mark Lewis, wrote together.

May 2nd, 2016|Categories: Community Involvement|

Knowing when to leave is half the battle

We all know the type: the person at the party who cannot bring themselves to leave. Whether they just like the sound of their own voice or fear of facing what is at home is just too much, knowing when your time is up is critical.  (Watch this segue.)  And the same goes for IVC filters. [...]

April 19th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

Quick Tips on Truck Safety

The semi-truck is one of the most dangerous motor vehicles on the roads today. With nearly 97% of semi truck collisions involving a fatality and the annual death rate reaching 4,000, it is imperative we do everything possible to stay safe on the road. Here are a few key pointers when sharing the roadway with [...]

March 8th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

How Important is Truck Safety?

Although road safety over the last 30 years has improved dramatically, there are still significant areas for improvement - one being truck safety. Large truck crashes can happen anywhere and most often they are physically and economically and emotionally devastating for victims. One, most truck collisions involve a passenger car as well, making these crashes [...]