Asbestos is a mineral fiber. Because these fibers are resistant to heat, fire and chemicals, asbestos was widely used in the 20th century in many industries. It is still used today for some applications.
Over the years, however, many people who have worked around asbestos dust have developed mesothelioma, a form of cancer that develops in the lining of the lung and nearby tissues. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it is important that you speak to an attorney quickly. Mesothelioma cases typically involve large numbers of defendants, and this can make seeking compensation difficult. Furthermore, proving liability after so many years can be overwhelming to those without legal experience.
Asbestos in Ohio
Asbestos was used in Ohio factories, steel mills and workshops for years as insulation and to reduce the risk of fire. It has been used in a wide variety of products, exposing both manufacturing workers and the general public to asbestos fibers, mesothelioma, and asbestosis, a chronic lung inflammation.
Many Ohio mesothelioma cases have resulted in compensation for all members of a certain group, and a lawyer can explain how to collect from an established compensation fund if you are eligible for one. If no fund exists in your case, an attorney can help you seek compensation from the appropriate parties.
Common Sources of Asbestos Dust Exposure
Asbestosis and mesothelioma are caused by exposure to asbestos fibers. These fibers are present in a wide variety or products — particularly those of older manufacture, but many are still being manufactured.
Common products made with asbestos include:
- Brake shoes, brake pads and clutch plates
- Roof shingles, underlayment and tar
- Vinyl floor tiles and siding
- Thermal insulation
- “Transite” building materials
- Fireproofing materials and interior fire doors
- Firefighters’ clothing and some curtains used in theaters
- Caulk, joint compounds, gaskets and texture coatings
- Vermiculite products
Who Is at Risk?
People who become ill from asbestos are typically those who are exposed to it on a consistent basis, either in a job where they work directly with it or through substantial environmental contact. For example, construction workers can be exposed when asbestos fibers are released during a teardown or remodel.
Family members of those who have been regularly exposed to asbestos fibers have also developed mesothelioma; likely from regular contact with the loved one’s work clothing. And Asbestos-contaminated vermiculite has been found in some soil conditioners and other landscaping materials.
Compensation for Mesothelioma Victims
Mesothelioma victims deserve fair and just compensation for a number of important reasons:
- Medical treatment for mesothelioma is expensive, often requiring surgery, chemotherapy or radiation treatment.
- People diagnosed with mesothelioma cannot continue to work, and often choose early retirement for medical reasons. This job loss affects the living standard of the entire family.