As we enter the holiday season, crime goes up. We must be extra diligent protecting ourselves, our families, and our homes. Here are a few tips I strongly advise, ones I have learned and taught over my 40 years of martial arts and self-defense instruction.
- Crying Babies at your front door – never open your door if you hear a baby crying. Robbers play a tape and get you to endanger you and your home. This is a favorite method used by serial killers and documented on America’s Most Wanted.
- Do not advertise your vacation plans or tell anyone your spouse is out of town. This information should be on a “need to know” basis.
- Don’t hide your house keys. Bad guys know where to look. Give the keys to a neighbor you trust.
- Stop, look and listen. Before getting in or out of your car whether at work, at home, at a store or at a mall, take 5-10 seconds and look around carefully.
- Leave your television or radio on at your house or hotel when you are not there.
- Internet shopping– if the site is http, do not buy anything. Https is a secure site.
- Always listen to your instincts. Your #1 priority it so run or escape and not fight. Distance is important. Make noise.
- Shred your mail that you throw away. This protects you from identity theft.
One of the best books I’ve ever read is Walter Philbrick’s SURVIVING, A CITIZEN’S GUIDE TO SURVIVING STREET CRIMES AND TERROIST ATTACKS. I highly recommend it. These tips are also noted in his book.
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